A PSP de Tavira vai levar a cabo amanhã dia 5 de Junho a partir
das 10 da manhã um leilão.
Vários lotes de peças “perdidos & Achados” serão
leiloados pelo melhor preço aos presentes nas instalações.
Terá inicio às 10 da manhã na Esquadra da PSP de Tavira, os
interessados deverão levar os documentos e ... Dinheiro...
"The police in Tavira will conduct tomorrow June 5th from 10am auction.
Several batches of parts "Lost & Found" will be auctioned at the best price to the present premises.
Will start at 10 am at the Police Station PSP Tavira, interested parties should take the documents and Money ... ... "
"The police in Tavira will conduct tomorrow June 5th from 10am auction.
Several batches of parts "Lost & Found" will be auctioned at the best price to the present premises.
Will start at 10 am at the Police Station PSP Tavira, interested parties should take the documents and Money ... ... "
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